Monday, November 19, 2012

Selecting The Best Singapore VoIP Provider

In the recent years, to apply the Singapore VoIP Provider is very popular. The VoIP uses the Internet rather than telephone lines to send and receive calls. It can make it both convenient and efficient for its users. More and more persons install a single phone in their homes or a full-scale phone system in business offices. Because the VoIP companies can provide plans and equipment to suit your different needs. In fact, the technologies are used by a VoIP phone. Because the technologies can allow telephone calls to be made over an IP network including the Internet instead of the ordinary PSTN system. Even, it can be regarded as the VoIP for business.

At present, a lot of the VoIP services are offered by the Singapore VoIP Provider. Some VoIP companies provide a lower cost in business telephony which is the business-grade VoIP hosts. For example, it is Skype which was $30 per month. At the same time, there are some small or middle sized businesses. They should be a main VoIP service. It is called either a virtual PBX or VoIP PBX for their requirements. All services are more and more popular in business. However, a company should also consider the cost of VoIP equipment and the Internet connection to run the service. Choosing the suitable service is very important to your enterprise.

1 comment:

  1. I just want to inform everyone to a new web site called VoIP Spear ( to measure your QoS. It's the Internet's best and most accessible QoS testing service. It utilizes packet loss, latency, and jitter to calculate a MOS score between 1 (very poor quality) and 5 (excellent quality) for your Internet connection. VoIP Spear runs 24x7x365 so you can always have an idea of what your VoIP QoS is.

    VoIP Spear shows your QoS in easy-to-read charts. You can also have it send you email alerts when your quality drops too low.

    VoIP Spear ( is free for personal use.


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